White Biotechnology in SusChem Technology Platform

The chemical and biotechnology sector organisations CEFIC and EuropaBio, with the support of the European Commission, launched a European Technology Platform on Sustainable Chemistry (SUSCHEM) for establishing a long-standing public-private partnership to increase investment on research and innovation and to boost European competitiveness in the different sectors.

The SUSCHEM Technology Platform includes three key technology areas for Europe:

  • Industrial / whithe biotechnology
  • Materials technology
  • Reaction and process design


The Vision for the SusChem European Technology Platform is outlined in the Vision for 2025 and beyond which was formally endorsed at the Second Stakeholder meeting in Barcelona.


The complete draft SusChem Strategic Research Agenda and the appendix are now available. Comments are welcome.


The final Implementation Action Plan is available. The immediate focus is defining priorities for the Commission’s Framework 7 programme but the focus is also the longer term and national initiatives technical themes underpinning the industry’s future in Europe


Europa Bios Policy Forum on Advanced Therapies was held 8 November 2006.

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