Preliminary Programme

December 15th

07.00-09.00 Central Standard Time (CST) 08.00-10.00 Eastern Standard Time (EST) 13.00-15.00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 14.00-16.00 Central European Time (CET) 17.30-19.30 India Standard Time (IST) 20.00-21.00 China Standard Time (CST) 21.00-23.00 Japan Standard Time (JST)

Roland Wohlgemuth (Lodz University of Technology); Jennifer Littlechild (University of Exeter)


Combining Synthetic Chemistry and Biology for Streamlining Access to Complex Molecules
Prof. Dr. Hans Renata, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA


Development of a promiscuous thioesterase domain for bioengineering of novel polyketides
Assistant Professor Dr. Lona Alkhalaf, Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom


Engineering E. coli for vitamin B12 biosynthesis
Prof. Dr. Martin Warren, School of Biosciences, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NJ, UK

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