ESBES - Virtual - "Biocatalytic Process Engineering"

ESBES - Virtual - "Biocatalytic Process Engineering"
September 17, 2020


Organized by:
Polona Znidarsic-Plazl
Bruno Buehler


Title Presenter
Tapping natural photosynthesis for hydrogen production: Chemoselective splitting of water using cyanobacterial whole cell biocatalysts Andreas Schmid
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung UFZ, Germany
(Photo)biocatalytic cascades in non-conventional media Selin Kara
Aarhus University, Denmark
Phenylethanoid glycoside synthesis: immobilization, medium engineering and process optimization Milan Polakovic
Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia
Top-down and bottom-up assembly of enzyme cascades. A multiscale approach to compartmentalized biocatalysis Christof Niemeyer
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
An exchange format for biocatalytic data and FAIR data principles Juergen Pleiss
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Time-scale analysis in biocatalytic microprocessing Goran Jovanovic
Oregon State University, USA

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