EziG®: Unlocking the Potential of Biocatalysis – Examples and Case studies


Immobilised enzymes play a crucial role in industrial biocatalysis by combining the selectivity of enzymes with the operational stability and versatility of heterogeneous catalysts. However, selecting the optimal immobilisation support poses challenges, both in terms of performance and cost. In this presentation, we delve into the development and applications of EziG®, our universal immobilisation matrix tailored to transform biocatalytic applications. EziG® offers a robust and efficient solution for a wide range of biocatalytic processes. It boasts exceptional enzyme loading capacity, activity, and stability, making it an invaluable tool for diverse enzymatic reactions. The compatibility of EziG® with a broad spectrum of enzymes and substrates further enhances its appeal. This session will also center on compelling case studies that demonstrate the practical implementation of EziG® while showcasing the successful production of food ingredients and specialty chemicals. To demonstrate the efficacy of our approach, we will present our strategy on optimisation and scale-up of EziG®-based biocatalytic processes. Through these examples, insights into the versatility and value of the EziG® platform will be highlighted.

About the Speaker(s)

speakerAfter earning her MSc in industrial biotechnology at the University of Padua (Italy) she enrolled as industrial PhD candidate in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network BIOCASCADES under the supervision of Per Berglund, Derek T. Logan and Luuk van Langen. During her PhD she received the BIOCASCADES award for her research on the biocatalytic application and structural and functional studies of transaminases. She is currently a Lead Researcher in the Biocatalysis team at Enginzyme, where she has spent 3 of her 4 years as R&D scientist in industry. During this time she has figured as inventor in two patents describing a novel approach for the preparation of immobilised enzymes and an innovative one-pot multi-step enzymatic route for the synthesis of the mRNA vaccine ingredient pseudouridine monophosphate.

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